Tuesday, June 30, 2009


This post will actually be talking about vulgarities and my view on people using them.As you know vulgarities can be used for different purposes.Sometimes to vent anger,sometimes to follow the trend and sometimes people do not even know why they scold them.Which is a serious problem with people today.

To me vulgarities are like a virus,once you are use to using it you will be some how "infected" by it,and you tend to keep using it not thinking about why you are using it.In my life i have seen people practically teenagers of my age or even younger spamming vulgarities like never before.Every sentence they speak forth from their mouth contains of maximum vulgarity usage,this depends on how long their sentence is.My question to them is (Do you find a purpose in scolding them in the first place?).

People will say that its a way they use to show their anger,but my advice would be,there are other ways to show your anger.And the definite choice would not be using vulgarities.This is because from my view one who uses so much vulgarity would actually cause them to lose their vocabulary, this is because every vocabulary used in a sentence is taken over by their vulgarity.
And it shows how uncivilise you are if you keep scolding them,although civilise people uses them as well but not as often.An example will be in normal english ( can you pls pass me my coat) and in otherwise (can you fking pass the fking coat to me you fker).You are surprised,but there are people like this.Vulgarities are like an everyday meal to them.Its like the air they breath.

Now moving on to the spiritual side.As christians we are not suppose to scold vulgarities.Why ?Because Jesus doesnt scold them haha.Another reason is because we as living testimonies are suppose to bear good fruit and carry the way we talk.As our words carry weight and have power,thus,if we were to speak foul language what would other people think of us.

Another reason would be,our body is like temple of God and our holy spirit dwells in us, and by scolding foul language actually grieves our holy spirit and of course its not good.So just a remind to you peeps out there try to surpress your anger if possible because what you bound on earth will be bound in heaven and what you speak forth will come to pass if you keep confessing.

Chill out J~


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