Saturday, June 27, 2009

Right or Wrong..

Most of the time in most of the situations when there is an argument and one of the party emerge victorious they themselves will think that they are right.Yes,this is true,when they place their facts and reason and then win an arguement and they are being favoured they are right.

Another kind of example would be like someone else offended you and you tend to think whatever you are going to do to him is what he deserves and is right.Technically,you are right because its what he/she deserve but on the contrary you are wrong.The reason will be listed below.

In life there are many things that are subjected to the so call "Right" and some of course "Wrong".An example will be 1 + 1 = 2 .This answer is correct no doubt.Nothing can change this fact.Another scenario would be someone robbing you.What that person did was wrong because stealing is classified as an wrong act.

Ok what i am trying to address here is even if the situation is correct but ! we might be wrong.Why?

There isnt any problem proclaiming your right when you are really right in something but the problem comes when you go on top of your head.What do i mean by this,given the situation that somebody have wronged you.And after proclaiming you are right you continue to bear that grudge and want to punish that person so badly and want them to get what they deserve so badly.

The heart of vengence is the problem friends.The disability to forgive and forget is the problem.The bible teaches us to be merciful to our enemies,no matter what others have wronged us,we forgive and forget.Be like Jesus since we are his disciples.People maybe disappointed you,wrong you but why dont we just react how christ react,grant them with mercy and Love them instead of wanting them dead.

Chill out ~ J


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