Thursday, June 4, 2009


Often complain you have irritating/bad/useless/unloving parents/siblings ? Always wanting them dead or disappear so that they could not stop what you want to do in life or get on your nerves ?But like it or not they are family,and if you're part of them you just have to bear with it.

Before digging out things to hold a grudge against them why not first dig out things to love them ? If you find things that they do that makes you love them then maybe those negative thoughts wont even appear in your mind.Remember how your parents brought you up when you are still a baby?Unconditional Love,giving their every best to you,hoping that this baby of thiers will grow up healthy and strong.But yet after we grow up we seem to have lost that picture in out memory,and we just flare up over little things and show our mean faces to the ones who brought us to this world.Friends,be it words or action that you do, good or bad it affects your parents alot.Hey i mean you are family and whats there not that you cant talk about ? But you say " they are just too much !".Then i say " Was it what you did to them that made them react this way ? Whose too much ? I think is you ?".Sometimes we fail to reflect what we have done before going to the conclusion that our parents are going against us.You say" I have lousy parents,they dont provide for me and they always abuse/scold me".I say "What about those without parents ?"Parents do what they do because they love us [this doesnt include abusing xD.] My point is understand and evaluate before you place a judgement on things.

ps:what's above applies to your siblings as well =)

Why is family so important ? This is why " Family never leave you". Friends leave you ,maybe even your future wife or husband will leave you but your family ? Never will they leave you.Your parents will be your parents until you die,your siblings will be your siblings till you die as well.I feel that the greatest family that one can have is when every member puts in effort to maintain this relationship.And that you must have Love in the family,when things happen dont hate but Love, dont blame but understand and put yourself in thier shoe.A family is like an army,United you will stand,Divided and you will fall.

Ever regret when someone close to you pass away ? Asking yourself why you didnt do this and that for that person when they were alive.My advice dont regret,Treasure them before they are gone,Life is short.Be a person of Love and not of Hatred,even if they wronged you,trust me if you show love they will change.This is because a human have a soul and they will get touched.How strong they might be they have that soft side. =)

ps:Dont take your family for granted. =)
credits : Jolyn Wong ( Topic Requested )


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